Day 1: What, why and where I write

So as I said in a previous post I decided to do a November Blogger Challenge. I wrote down a bunch of things and put them on a jar. Everyday I will pick one and blog. I’m also doing a book photo challenge over on Instagram for November. So at the end of each blog I will include that days book photo. 

Today has been a rough day. Been up since 4:30am stressing out over everything. Life has given me lemons but no sugar to make the lemonade 😣. What are things you do to distress? I’m hoping doing these blogs everyday will help pull me out of this depression. 

So first up I picked: What, why and where I write. 

While I have a ton of ideas in my head, getting them to paper and to make sense is a whole other Dr. Phil show! 😂 as of now I write lists, blogs, book reviews. I do want to start journaling so I can throw my ideas down to make sense of later. The why is because I think it will help clear my head. I’ve heard journaling is very therapeutic and right now life has thrown me a HUGE curve ball and I’m so stressed and overwhelmed. Where I write would be my house. My couch, my bed and yes sometimes even the toilet 😳 gotta have something to do 😂😂😂

For my book photo challenge: 

Day 1 of #novbookstagram is Most anticipated November reads. I’m both excited and scared to read these. I’m ready to finish my journey but also scared to death of getting my heart broken 💔. What are you looking forward to reading this month??? 

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